You've worked really hard to put this together. What do you think about this very article being used to train AI? It has already started. Read what I found out in my new post https://boodsy.substack.com/p/the-ai-bots-are-coming-for-your-substack

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Thanks for writing up this important report. Given what LLMs are trained on, I am not at all surprised they are coming for my substacks. The feeling of being engulfed by a machine is a little destabilizing at first. But machines have already engulfed us ... have ridiculously accurate data composites of us somewhere in the private clouds ... so I don't know ... just another hard truth I have to suppress on a daily basis. LOL!

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Many in the education space are intimidated by their lack of prompting skills. I wish they'd know about Microsoft's comprehensive repo of prompts for students and educators https://github.com/microsoft/prompts-for-edu

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Excellent point and link. I plan on training some of fellow faculty this week on these important skills. I will share out this link.

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The bigger issue is that there are three main layers of bias. In fact, AI is just mathematically encoded bias itself on top of the data bias.


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